The High Arcal School



When studying my GCSEs, alongside the required subjects, I selected a range of subjects, all of which I enjoyed. My favourite, of course, was ICT where I gained the highest grade possible – an A*. This was closely followed by History, where I achieved a Grade 8. ICT and History have both always been pasions and subjects I have thoroughly enjoyed studying. I continued my studies in both of these at Halesowen College where I studied my A-Levels.


  • English Language: Grade 9
  • English Literature: Grade 6
  • English Speaking: Distinction*
  • Mathematics: Grade 6
  • Biology: Grade 8
  • Chemistry: Grade 5
  • Physics: Grade 6
  • ICT: A*
  • History: Grade 8
  • Geography: Grade 7


I thoroughly enjoyed secondary school and made the most of every opportunity that was offered; be those day trips, overnight stays or leadership opportunities. Some of the most notable ‘extras’ that I was involved with include:

The SAFE Team

ICT Cover Teacher

School Photographer

Year 11 Leavers Coordinator

Student Vice President